Kapil Sharma recently said that he will have to cut down on his TV show Comedy Nights with Kapil to work in his Bollywood debut Bank Chor. A news paper website ran a poll asking readers if they prefer the comedian on their TV sets or are they excited to see him on the silver screen.
Interestingly, more than 60% of the readers who took the poll said they would prefer Comedy Nights with Kapil over his upcoming cinematic venture.
Kapil said, "By now, somehow managing my schedules has become a habit for me. I am talking to you early in the morning after having worked on my show for 36 hours. Doing two episodes every week means I've to provide at least 70 minutes of content every week. It's not easy to think up funny gags every 10 seconds. We can't afford to let our audience get bored for even a few moments," said Kapil.
Interestingly, more than 60% of the readers who took the poll said they would prefer Comedy Nights with Kapil over his upcoming cinematic venture.
Kapil said, "By now, somehow managing my schedules has become a habit for me. I am talking to you early in the morning after having worked on my show for 36 hours. Doing two episodes every week means I've to provide at least 70 minutes of content every week. It's not easy to think up funny gags every 10 seconds. We can't afford to let our audience get bored for even a few moments," said Kapil.
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